Welcome to the International Equine Reproduction Symposium Committee (IERSC)

The prime responsibility of the IERSC is to organise the International Symposium on Equine Reproduction (ISER) that is held over a six-day period every four years.

These single weeks of internationalism, common focus, a sharing of all sessions by all delegates, and convivial social activities have proved of inestimable value to the advance of equine reproduction; we are proud of the spirit of friendship and collaboration that the meetings have engendered.

The IERSC is composed of a Chairman, Treasurer, Editor and at least eight other members, with designated numbers from Asia and Oceania, America and Europe to ensure international representation. The Committee is supported by a non-elected secretariat (Louise Holder). The Committee meets every two years, at the International Symposium and at a mid-way meeting. Committee members serve initially for eight years, and are eligible for re-election for no more than two additional consecutive four-year terms. Nominations for new members are solicited at each Symposium. Nominations are put forward to the Committee by an existing member once the nominee has agreed to stand for election and serve for at least eight years. Election is by the Committee prior to the mid-way meeting.

Suggestions and concerns regarding the Symposia may be conveyed to the Committee through any of its members; the IERSC welcomes input that will improve the quality of the Symposia and advance our understanding of equine reproduction.

Professor W.R. (Twink) Alle CBE 1940-2021

© 2009 International Symposium on Equine Reproduction (ISER)

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